OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
Reactive Programming Examples
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Client and Subscriber Development > Examples > Examples in the Product and on the Web > .NET and Python Examples > Reactive Programming Examples

Examples for reactive programming model need an installation of Microsoft Reactive Extensions for proper building. These extensions are now provided by Microsoft in the form of NuGet packages.

The examples only contain references to the additional packages needed, and not the packages themselves. With the help of automatic NuGet Package Restore feature (http://docs.nuget.org/docs/reference/package-restore), when enabled, the missing packages will automatically be downloaded and installed when you first build the project that references them.

In Visual Studio, this works “out of the box” (with default settings). If building the project in Visual Studio fails due to missing NuGet packages, you may have the automatic NuGet package restore turned off. Check your Visual Studio settings.






ReactiveDocExamples: A collection of console-based examples for reactive programming model that illustrate the use of individual objects in the product, and their members. These are the same examples that appear in reference documentation, with an extra control routine that allows the use to choose an example to be performed.





See Also